Fitch Estate Sales is proud to present...
A Fredericksburg EPIC Ranch Sale!
957 Cedar Hills Dr
(Off Hwy 290)
Fredericksburg TX 78624
3/14 9am-5pm
3/15 9am-5pm
3520E Compact utility tractor
(includes Mower & Bush Hog)
$23,500 OBO
Take a drive this weekend and check out our amazing sale in Fredericksburg! This fantastic ranch features not one but TWO EPIC homes full of items! Featuring a 2004 John Deere 3520E compact utility tractor with attachments! Tons of ranch equipment, Texas style decor, primitives, antiques, artwork, leather sofa, leather sleeper sofa w/ottoman, rugs, Southwest style rugs, chicken collection, rustic dining table w/6 chairs, rustic armoire and china cabinet, cowhide entry table w/mirror, quilt/blanket rack, longhorn leg end table, swivel armchair, Frankoma western china set, barstools, twin beds, queen bed, king bed, end tables, nightstands, outdoor benches, bakers rack, yard art, wood rocking chairs, plant stands, grandfather clock, antique quilts, quilting and sewing supplies, Featherweight Singer sewing machine, vintage, Lenox spice village, crystal, depression glass, glassware, Pyrex, Waterford, Tiffany & Co, Corning Ware, Mason's England china set, Nikko Christmas china set, baskets, wicker, table linens, pewter, Fostoria, silver plate, handmade pottery, Vermont potters, Pampered Chef, vintage Tupperware, enamelware, Copper cookware, Kitchen contents, pots & pans, cookbooks, Julia Childs, Martha Stewart, Southern Living, books, Men's clothing (L), Men's shoes & boots (10.5), cowboy hats, Women's clothing (M-L), Women's shoes (8.5), Brighton, Vera Bradley, Holiday decor, Easter, Christmas, wreaths, crafting supplies, day bed, Golden West pool table, office desk, wood file cabinets, electronics, cameras, patio table with 6 chairs, patio loungers, fishing tackle, birdhouses, hand tools, Ground max pop up hunting blind, deer feeder, radio flyers, Craftsman tool box, Delta unisaw, Stihl chainsaw, Craftsman sanders, power washer, vintage crates, tools, t-posts, fencing and SO MUCH MORE! DO NOT MISS THIS SALE!